Our Lead Coach and the Founder of TDUK, Tom has been with the charity not only from the very start but before it’s inception.
His love of American football began in the early 80’s when the sport first hit Channel 4. He picked the Miami Dolphins as his chosen team (“Defence? We don’t need no stinking defence!”) and though he informs us he has regularly regretted the choice over the subsequent 40 years he still remains hopeful for a championship…(maybe next year?)
He played the sport himself for years and later started coaching with the Edinburgh Wolves with a break whilst he attended bible college. During this time coaching he identified an opportunity and a need to build a youth and junior set up in the sport to set a firm foundation for its future - it was out of this that TouchdownUK in its first incarnation was born.
Tom is a career defensive player - he assures us he is a better coach than player - and finished his playing career at age 54 with Edinburgh Napier Knights University Alumni team without serious injury.
In addition to Lead Coach he is the Charity Development Officer, a qualified First Aider and our COVID Co-ordinator.
Player 1982 - 2019 (Mayfair Maulers, Newcastle Browns/Senators, Washington Presidents, Lothian Raiders, Edinburgh Wolves, Tynedale Fury, Edinburgh Napier University Alumni)
Coach 2004 - Present (Edinburgh Wolves Youth, Edinburgh Napier Knights University, Tynedale Fury, TouchDownUK)
ADMINiSTRATIon ASSISTANT, 2020 - present
Karen started working at TouchdownUK in early 2020 as our Administration Assistant. Before working at TouchdownUK she completed a BA Hons in International Studies and a Diploma in Counselling, and has worked in various administrative roles throughout her career.
Her role at TouchdownUK is varied, but she mainly helps support the team with all administration and office duties, and assists with meetings, projects, and events.
Although she doesn’t have much experience with American Football, she is thrilled to bring her knowledge to the team and to be part of the important work TDUK does in fostering fun, health, and community amongst our young people. She can usually be found with her nose in a book, cooking up a storm in the kitchen, hiking in the Scottish wilderness, or engrossed in a videogame.