Annual General Meeting 2020 Minutes
1. Call to order
Rachael Merrill called to order the annual meeting of the Touchdown UK AGM at 7pm on 30th October 2020.
2. Roll call
Judith Cramb conducted a roll call. The following persons were present: Iain Sutherland, Rebecca Cramb, Rachael Merrill & Tom Cramb. Apologies had been received from Veronika Lovas & Joel Nicholas.
3. Approval of minutes from last meeting
Judith Cramb read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read.
4. Financial Report
Presented by Rebecca Cramb.
5. Acceptance of Financial Statements
Accepted as correct by all trustees & members present.
6. Election of External Auditor/ financial Accountants for 2019/20
Independent Bookkeepers Ltd and associated external Auditor were agreed as financial accountants for 2020/21.
7. Charity Development Officers Report
Tom Cramb, the CDO presented his report by Powerpoint presentation.This was supported by a video put together by Joel Nicholas. The trustees wished to thank Karen D’Arcy- Kernan for her assistance with the powerpoint presentation and to Joel Nicholas for the excellent video.
7. Re - election of Trustees.
Judith Cramb stood down and was proposed by Ian Sutherland & seconded by Rachel Merrill.
Iain Sutherland stood down and was proposed by Judith Cramb & seconded by Rachael Merrill.
Rebecca Cramb stood down and was proposed by Ian Sutherland & seconded by Joel Nicholas
Rachael Merrill stood down and was proposed by Rebecca Cramb & seconded by Judith Cramb.
Veronika Lovas intimated prior to the AGM her intention to be re-elected to the board. She was proposed by Judith Cramb & seconded by Rebecca Cramb.
Joel Nicholas intimated prior to the AGM his intention to be re-elected to the board. He was proposed by Rebecca Cramb & seconded by Ian Sutherland
Judith Cramb elected to be Secretary and this was agreed by all trustees present.
Rebecca Cramb elected to be Treasurer and this was agreed by all trustees present
Rachael Merrill elected to be Chairperson and this was agreed by all trustees present.
Rachael Merrill adjourned the meeting at 8pm
Minutes submitted by: Judith Cramb